Landscapes of the Post-Human
The last decade has seen a crescendo in discourses of the Anthropocene, according to which the Earth has entered an era in which the planet’s biosphere is most influenced by human activity. Amid prognoses of “disaster capitalism,” the onset of climate genocide and the rise of artificial intelligence, my work documents the movement of the critical imagination beyond landscapes of the Anthropocene to their logical culmination in a Post-Human era.
Without endorsing or surrendering to the economic and political forces that have made the Post-Anthropocenic era imaginable, the images are projections of terraformation, intricate topographies of a future without humans. If terrain is created by algorithms and self-perpetuating machines, what kinds of landscapes will emerge? How will they shape the future surface of the planet?
Landscapes of the Posthuman renders in its abstraction a particular reading of urban landscapes, almost startling in its cold, spatial geometries; it is a terrain that aims to trigger in the spectator a vision based on our memories and experiences with real landscapes, despite the alienating effects its unfamiliar, dissonant, machinic geometry may cause.
Lacking any anchoring point of orientation, these terrains are open to interpretation according to any scale. It is through this ambiguity that they may be imbued with the life they seem to lack on the surface, through the animating perceptions of the [still existing] spectator.
2. August 2022